Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – Sponsor Scientific Ltd

Last Updated July 8th 2021

Data Processor and controller
Sponsor Scientific Ltd
127 Essex Rd, PO48DH
Company no. 12931804. Registered in England.

This policy explains how Sponsor Scientific Ltd (“we”, “our”) collects your data, what we do with it, and the rights you have.  We are processing data under legitimate interest as defined in the GDPR ( ). If you would like us to explain our rationale, please get in touch.

What data is collected?

For our Newsletter
We collect your email address.

For Project Listings on

For individuals submitting projects and for potential funders of these projects we may collect:

Your name, your professional/work email address, your employer’s name and address (or, if different, the organisation you are representing), your work phone number. Project listings on our website are covered by their own Terms & Conditions of Service available on our website.

For Consultancy Services

For consultancy clients we may collect your name, your professional/work email address, your employer’s name and address (or, if different, the organisation you are representing), your work phone number. We may also collect these details for potential funders of a client organisation.

For using our website

Usage data is collected automatically using cookies and may include among other things your IP address, time of visit, browser type, and device type.

How is data being collected?

  • Online forms used to enter email addresses for newsletter subscription, project details for submission of projects, or enquiries about consultancy services.
  • Offline Contracts for Consultancy Services that may be filled in, hand signed, scanned and returned by email.
  • The website using website cookies, which may be accepted or declined.
  • Publicly available contact details and inbound emails in the case of potential funders.

What are we doing with the data? Why is it collected?

In order for us to deliver the services to you, including the website, newsletter, project listing service and consultancy services, we need to process your data.

Data are used for the purposes of analysing the website audience, sending newsletters (approximately monthly), and connecting potential funders/sponsors with projects that need funding.

We may use your email address to confirm your identity, for example by sending you a confirmation email.

We may also use your employer and job title details to inform and tailor our sales and marketing communication with you.

We send occasional direct marketing emails for services similar to those already being used or considered. You may opt out at any time via an unsubscribe button/link.

If you are seeking funding, your name and contact details may be shared on a careful and considered basis with potential funders or sponsors including their agents, and/or introductions made between funders and potential fundees, for example when funders have expressed an interest in a project listed with us.

Potential funders’ details will be shared on a careful and considered basis if and when they have expressed an interest in connecting with or finding out more about a potential project to fund or when we deem an alignment of potential funder and potential recipient of funds exists.

User and Customer Data is stored securely in a database CRM from a major provider.

We do not sell your data.

We may need to share your data with outside parties in order to comply with legal requirements, or as part of a legal case, or if we were to experience a data protection and security event.

How can you control your data?

You may contact in order to:

  • unsubscribe from mailing lists (an unsubscribe link is also on the emails we send)
  • remove your organisation or its project information from our website, or change it
  • close accounts or delete your data
  • See or correct the data we hold for you
  • object to processing


Please contact us in the first instance at to resolve problems and we will make all reasonable efforts to help. If problems remain you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority such as the UK Information Commissioner’s Office where Sponsor Scientific Ltd is registered for data protection.

How do we protect the data?

No system can be 100% guaranteed secure but we endeavour to take reasonable precautions. We use a Microsoft secure storage vault for personal data storage, accounting and contracts. Where practical and possible we employ 2 factor authentication, password managers, security practices, and security software for business devices and their network. Hard copies of sensitive documents are stored securely or destroyed. We aim to have an annual review and correction/update of our data. We endeavor to have data entered into systems consistently and systematically and logically organised to reduce likelihood of errors appearing.

Plans to delete data

Annually we aim to review data and delete any non-active or non-useful (legitimately useful) personal profiles. To give an example, a person who signed up for our email newsletter which they subsequently opted out of, and who is neither a client for a project listing nor for consultancy services, might be removed from our system if we deem that their data (in this case their email address) is no longer of legitimate use to us. In other words from the fact that they opted out we would conclude they are unlikely to become client in the future. See also the section above on How can you control your data? 

Other parties

In using our services your data may be processed by other parties:

  1. Like many websites, ours may decide to use Google Analytics. Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms can be found here: and
  2. We use MailChimp and Zoho for Emailing Services and Forms. MailChimp’s Privacy Policy and Terms can be found here: and
  3. We use Zoho as our “CRM” (a customer contact details database) and for Emailing and Forms. Zoho’s Privacy Policy and Product Specific Terms can be found here:
  4. We use Dreamhost as our website hosting provider. Dreamhost’s Privacy Policy and Terms are found here: and
  5. org. We use for our website design and content editing. WordPress’s Privacy Policy is here:

Changes to the privacy policy

You will be notified if the policy changes by whatever means we deem necessary such as

1) email including newsletter (if subscribed)

2) website banner/announcement

3) Project listing submission forms