For Funders

Whether you are an individual philanthropist, donor activist, foundation, company or agency then we can help.

We are creating a searchable database of high quality projects that need funding.

If you would like contact details, or introductions for the projects we list, email We are happy to do this for free.

To hear about new projects as they get added, sign up to our newsletter or follow our Twitter.

At any time, we can source potential projects to suit your particular interests, aims and needs.

You may want particular audience groups or areas of work such as education or STEM funding. You probably need to know the likely impact/ROI for the project’s beneficiaries or yourself as a funder. Whether you want personal philanthropy impact, high impact charity sponsorship, ideas for corporate social responsibility, or something else, we want to hear from you.

Projects that need your funding include events, awards, scholarships, charitable campaigns, educational exhibitions, university research, and editorially independent content.

Potential funders should contact Samia to ask what funding opportunities, sponsorship opportunities or corporate philanthropy ideas are available.