Tips to stay sane while working from home.

I’ve been working mainly from home since I moved from London to Southsea nearly 12 years ago (and long before Covid). The tips are pretty personal, but hopefully still of help.

Samia’s old desk – not a very organised and healthy set up!

Get up at the same time, and early, every day.

Do these without exception or excuse every day before you begin work:

Go for a short walk, jog or cycle outdoors. Leave your phone or turn off. If you must “do” something, ring a friend or family member for a chat.

Shower, clean your face and teeth (obvious but let’s be honest we’ve all missed this out)

Dress for the office. Take a few moments to do your hair, jewellery, makeup. Try and enjoy it.

Invest in equipment:

A large screen, keyboard, mouse, and – if you can afford it – a docker. This will prevent strain on your eyes, neck, hands etc. Also – and I know this is an expense – get a good printer and print out any documents that you need to read (to reduce eye strain).

An adjustable office chair that can go high enough so your elbows are level with your desktop, and the seat is slightly sloping downwards from your hip to knee. This protects your back.

Top notch stationery – it makes you feel professional. My fancy “winner pen” got me through psychologically when starting out (from home) in sales. Keep your desk orderly. If you have a separate study area or room, use it.

If you have a study, use it. Otherwise, have your desk in a separate area to where you sleep, cook and relax. This stops work creeping into your personal life, creating healthier sleep and boundaries.

If you have small kids at home, then unless you don’t have in-home childcare or a non-working partner, don’t let your kids wander into your room and your Zoom. Assuming your colleagues know you have support then the reality is some may consider it unprofessional and irritating. Boundaries will make the family happier too.

Do take a lunch break – even if only 10 minutes. Get outside for it. Do not eat at your desk.

Finish at a reasonable time, keep your energy back for those exceptional days when you genuinely do need to work late. Likewise, don’t be tempted schedule anything personal during the working day such as medical appointments, the weekly shop, seeing a friend.

Limit caffeine, salt, sugar, alcohol, dairy and excessive carbs. If you’re addicted (I still am) reduce one at a time. You’ll feel happier, sleep better, and achieve more.

Drink plenty of water – so easy to forget!

Find a hobby – reading, sport, creative – and do a little each evening. Get out for another short walk. If you can’t do this then do see – or chat to – a friend.

Have a good bedtime routine. Any sort of screen is the last thing you need after you’ve been on a screen all day for work. Read, have a bath, walk, ring someone for a chat, give your partner some attention.

It’s obviously not easy to do all of these things all of the time. But they are a useful target.